Orlando set some double staggered screens so Jameer Nelson could get around the corner and the Magic avoided the sweep. What adjustments will the Celtics make in Game 5? The Leprechauns looked their age at the end of game 4 and Rondo came out flat for the most part. Can the Magic keep up their energy and get a game out of Vince Carter in Game 5. It would help their cause. The Celtics rotations were slow and with the staggered screens, Howard had a ton of easy scores. The Chess game begins, with Stan V making the first move.
Phil Jackson got really out coached in the 4th quarter of game 4. The Phoenix zone made a slight adjustment and it was enough. Phoenix got a superb effort from their bench. Having seen various Phoenix teams play about 200 times in LA, I do not believe the trend continues at the Staples Center. It will be interesting to see what adjustments the Zen Master will make. The Lakers usually get pushed to 6 or 7 games most series. I don't see a jump shooting team beating them. Still they looked slow on the rotations on defense and that has to be a concern. it will be very intriguing to see what moves are made tonight and tomorrow.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Five Games, Five Blowouts
The NBA conference finals have been all but unwatchable unless you're a total homer. The Celtics have uncovered and exposed Dwight Howard. He may have a good defensive game or a good offensive game but he cannot put both together. He goes for help way too early and leaves his man with an easy assist or put back. Plus new coach Patrick Ewing has seemingly made his total game go down a notch or two. With him all but out of the series, the Celtics have dared the Magic to beat them with the low percentage 3 ball. So far, no good for the Magic. The trio of Rasheed Wallace, Kendrick Perkins, and Big Baby Davis are taking turns guarding Howard. Say what you want about Wallace, he has always been a fantastic post player, especially defensively. In game 3 the Magic gave up.
One thing I have wondered about all year has been the criticism leveled at Hedo Turkoglu. Last year he seemed to carry the Magic with good ball handling, assists and shooting. For sure he is not as athletic as Vince Carter....not many are. Turkoglu seemed to be the right person for the Magic, but they couldn't wait to get rid of him...probably because of an expiring contract. Turkoglu was averaging about 6 asssists a game in the playoffs and Carter is averaging just over one.
The Magic's big ammunition was supposed to be Jameer Nelson being healthy and the best bench in the NBA. Rondo has really negated Nelson and the Magic bench has disappeared. Oh well, at least winters in Orlando beat shoveling snow in Boston.
In the West Coast series it has been too much height and talent for the Lakers. The Suns face game 3 tonight. If they cannot win tonite, it's Celtics-Lakers, the NBA's dream matchup. I have to give credit to the people who said there were 2 teams that could make noise in the post season if they are healthy that were not at the top in the regular season...the Spurs and the Celtics. They were half right on the Spurs and all the way right on Boston.
One thing I have wondered about all year has been the criticism leveled at Hedo Turkoglu. Last year he seemed to carry the Magic with good ball handling, assists and shooting. For sure he is not as athletic as Vince Carter....not many are. Turkoglu seemed to be the right person for the Magic, but they couldn't wait to get rid of him...probably because of an expiring contract. Turkoglu was averaging about 6 asssists a game in the playoffs and Carter is averaging just over one.
The Magic's big ammunition was supposed to be Jameer Nelson being healthy and the best bench in the NBA. Rondo has really negated Nelson and the Magic bench has disappeared. Oh well, at least winters in Orlando beat shoveling snow in Boston.
In the West Coast series it has been too much height and talent for the Lakers. The Suns face game 3 tonight. If they cannot win tonite, it's Celtics-Lakers, the NBA's dream matchup. I have to give credit to the people who said there were 2 teams that could make noise in the post season if they are healthy that were not at the top in the regular season...the Spurs and the Celtics. They were half right on the Spurs and all the way right on Boston.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Thoughts from Ohio on the NBA
Since I am in Ohio, Dayton to be exact, its time to talk about the Cavaliers. They came up short because they had no supporting cast. A Jaimison came up woefully short. He was supposed to be the missing link and got abused by KG down low and had some very bad luck on his shots. Everything that could go wrong did for him and for Mo Williams as well. By the way, where was Delonte West? He usually plays fairly tough in the clutch. The big matchup now will be how well an old Kevin Garnett can keep up with Rashard Lewis. I think he may be a tad slow on the switches and going through screens. Speaking of switching, Steve Nash abused Tim Duncan every time he switched on him. San Antonio played hard but lost. Ginoboli was never the same since he broke his nose.
I look for a rested Orlando to take it to Boston. It would sure be fun to see another Celtics Lakers series. The Lakers are coming on and if they stay healthy, they seem to have the length and the talent. Point guard is a weakness, but Fisher is playing really well when it counts. What seperates these good teams from the pack is they can play and win at any pace. Certain teams can only win when they run...like the old Phoenix Suns. This Suns team has early offense, but is not necessarily a fast break, transition team like Dallas. Teams that rely on running only, like this years Houston Rockets can win, but if its the least bit off, they cannot score consistently in the half court to win in the playoffs.
Part 2 of Gino and the Gassers strange saga of Rock and Roll will be coming soon. The Dayton Airport is the greatest. This is the first time I have seen other flights there. I have heard they have lost over 300k jobs. God Bless Dayton.
I look for a rested Orlando to take it to Boston. It would sure be fun to see another Celtics Lakers series. The Lakers are coming on and if they stay healthy, they seem to have the length and the talent. Point guard is a weakness, but Fisher is playing really well when it counts. What seperates these good teams from the pack is they can play and win at any pace. Certain teams can only win when they run...like the old Phoenix Suns. This Suns team has early offense, but is not necessarily a fast break, transition team like Dallas. Teams that rely on running only, like this years Houston Rockets can win, but if its the least bit off, they cannot score consistently in the half court to win in the playoffs.
Part 2 of Gino and the Gassers strange saga of Rock and Roll will be coming soon. The Dayton Airport is the greatest. This is the first time I have seen other flights there. I have heard they have lost over 300k jobs. God Bless Dayton.
Monday, May 3, 2010
The Story of a Big Time Rock Band In the 60's and 70's

Editors Note: I have been so swamped by requests to tell more of the story of Gino and the Gassers that I fell very obligated to continue. The names have been changed to protect the innocent. The pictures above are real promo shots of Johnny Diamond and Gino for the Reunion Tour. The memories are foggy, but here goes.
It all happened by accident. I was a really good basketball player, but I broke my ankle quite severely and had to give up my scholarship at a major university. Surgery was barbaric back then by todays standards. So I went to work for Jim's Union 76 when I was back on my feet. While I was recovering from my injury, I picked up bass guitar and learned most of the blues and rock bass lines and almost all of James Brown's songs, the man I wanted to pattern my lifestyle around. Who could be better than James Brown, the man who was able to stop the riots with one sentence when the cops and politicians couldn't. He was my man, and we were going to do him proud. I figured since my girlfriend Karen left me because I was no longer a popular jock, I could meet the babes playing rock and soul music.
At the Union 76 I met Tiny, who's real name was Josh. He was the assistant manager. We called him Tiny because he was six eight and about 270 pounds of Polynesian muscle with the biggest hands in the world. I was the gas pumper and tire changer. Tiny had my back and I had his. We connected because he was also a first rate athlete whose knee injury kept him out of USC and their football team. Believe me we could hump it when business was good. We could also handle any crazy situation that came up, and in LA there were crazy situations to spare.
Tiny was actually Gino even though that wasn't his real name. We thought the two G's in the bands name sounded strange yet appealing to the stoned out masses. We used this as our theme. We had promo shots where we were at the gas pumps and in our attendant uniforms twirling around drumsticks and guitars with our shades on. We would wear the uniforms onstage and then pull them off as some of the wilder numbers we played progressed. We also had Union 76 baseball hats to hide our long hair. The unies even had our name tags! This was a ploy to get hired for weddings and bah mitzvahs, which will come into play later. My stage name was John Diamond. Hey we were close to Hollywood and everyone needs a stage name. I got this name from a B rated soft skin flick called "House of Cats". It was a name the pimp in the movie used and I thought it had some great possibilities.
Here's something about a stage name you may not know. You really have to live that name and be that alter ego or it will kick you in the butt. A person will be talking to you and use the name John. You are living in Rick, and it doesn't work out. You will be wondering who they are talking to and they will think you are spaced out. So when you take that stage name you have to live it.
We went with mostly Fender gear. The bass that the Beatles played was god-awful and it just was a testament to McCartney's greatness that he could get that sound from that instrument. I went with the jazz bass, even though my hero, James Jamerson of Motown used a P Bass. The Jazz had a thinner neck and worked best for me.
So we mostly had all our instruments and went over to Ace Pawn and paid 25 a week for a PA system. Tiny's girlfriend's dad unknowingly signed over his car as collateral, but it all worked out. It was killer. Also a pain, because setting up and breaking down was a chore. We went to the woodshed and learned 50 songs and had them down cold. They were all the show stoppers....Satisfaction, Louie Louie, the Jolly Green Giant, Under My Thumb, I aint
Gonna Eat out My Heart anymore, Bring it On Home to Me. I sang most of the wild songs. On some of them Tiny played Bass for me so I could hit the splits and do some flips off the amps. Daring moves, but crowd pleasers. Tiny sang the Tear Jerkers and slow ones, not to mention back up vocals. He was a musical genius in that he could play it all....Sax, Keys,Drums and all Guitars. Plus his voice was a few octaves higher and it made for a good combo. Bart was our guitarist. He was an Army vet that did two tours in Nam and didn't give a damn. The funniest guy in the world. Magic Mike was drums, and he could put up a heavy beat all night long. This guy never got tired.
Gonna Eat out My Heart anymore, Bring it On Home to Me. I sang most of the wild songs. On some of them Tiny played Bass for me so I could hit the splits and do some flips off the amps. Daring moves, but crowd pleasers. Tiny sang the Tear Jerkers and slow ones, not to mention back up vocals. He was a musical genius in that he could play it all....Sax, Keys,Drums and all Guitars. Plus his voice was a few octaves higher and it made for a good combo. Bart was our guitarist. He was an Army vet that did two tours in Nam and didn't give a damn. The funniest guy in the world. Magic Mike was drums, and he could put up a heavy beat all night long. This guy never got tired.
Our first gig was at Al's Cocktail Lounge in Culver City. We decided to not do the weed or anything because of all the stunts we had to pull off. We also cooled it pretty much on the booze. Think about it, Tiny going Airborn on stage. This is not some little wimpy guy like the Jonas Brothers, but a full blown athlete that was six eight! At Al's we brought a pretty big crowd. Ex jocks, some of the SC football team, surfers, future groupies and more. This worked good because Al's could swing country at any time and this way we dominated with rock music and they had no choice when we played the show stopper "Its a Mans World" with Tiny belting it out, followed by yours truly doing "Twine Time" by Alvin Cash and the Nightcrawlers and ending with the psychedelic version of Annie Had a Baby. The crowd went nuts.
There are crazy things that happen at these gigs. That night in the parking lot, I was by myself and listened to a lovely conversation between a guy getting off work and his girlfriend. They were sitting in his dump truck. He hadn't showered or anything and was pure grime head to toe, and was making his intentions known! She was yelling something about him being married, but it didn't seem to stop them from having a dump truck love affair. In fact, I coined the song "Dump Truck Love Affair" for our first album from this very incident.
Back then there was a band in every bar. We knew we were getting hot and our musicianship was getting better with every gig. When we made a mistake we covered it fast and only we knew. Plus we hired 2 hot chicks, Gina and Lori, to dance certain numbers. The crowd was in a semi riot state, but in a good way most every night. We only had a problem when Bart or Magic Mike would drink more than the bands pay. But that was cool too. On those nights tips were usually good and would get us by. Remember, back then bands made about what they do in todays age.
One night, Bob Morgan, the hottest DJ in LA came in and saw us and hired us for his daily show that was sandwiched around Where the Action is and Hullabaloo. Then we took off and were really working. We could quit our day jobs. Private parties and great gigs. We had our first original "You got a Killer Body, but a Psycho Mind". One of the lines was " Youre beautiful baby and I love ya, but ya treated me unkind...OOOOH yeah, ya got a psycho mind." Of course it went over great and was requested by our following, which was growing by leaps and bounds every day.
After gigs, we would go to Tiny's pad and jam and play acoustics and bongos till 5 in the morning with various friends....TO BE CONTINUED
Saturday, May 1, 2010
A Great Band and Some NBA Thoughts

It was the 60's. One day our band, Gino and the Gassers, was playing and got discorvered by a bigtime Hollywood recording agent. We quit our day job at Jims gas station and signed on the dotted line for one hundred dollars. Laugh now, but that was nothing to laugh about then. We went into the studio for a day and recorded an album...naturally it was a smash...no costs or promotional items were spared. Within a week, we were onstage at the Fillmore with all the greats, Santana, the Allmans, bringing the house down. However, we ran into some snags and a week later we were back pumping gas and changing tires at Jim's Union 76 station in West L.A. I tried to tell our agent, Chauncey Napalitano, that the name the Losers, was not a good deal, but would he listen...no. What could have been. The guy in the picture next to me Tiny, wowed em at the Fillmore, and it's still being talked about to this day in San Francisco. Chauncey still holds our contract so we can't even play in a bar, but he promises to get a re-union world tour going soon. He says there are some openings out in Southern Nebraska, so I will keep you posted when it happens.
Here is the latest scenario that has to scare the powers that be in the NBA. The talented Oklahoma Thunder could actually pick up a free agent that would really put them over the top. They have room under the cap and plenty of draft choices to give. That free agent is Chris Bosh. Bosh is originally from Dallas, so its only a 35 minute plane ride to his house. He would have to be excited to play for a team that promises to get better with time. So there just may be a way Oklahoma City attracts a free agent difference maker.
NBA Power Ratings
1) Orlando- If Howard can stay out of foul trouble, watch out.
2) Cleveland-The Kings elbow is a question.
3) Boston-Physical. Rebounding a big question against active bigs. Playing well but Miami was tailor made for them.
4) Lakers-Could beat any team above and on paper is the best. Are they out of their funk.
5) San Antonio-They are healthy for the first time all season and they truly dont care about the regular season.
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