One thing is for sure...if Gary Moore did the halftime show at last weeks Superbowl, he would have had enough material to do 10 hours worth of songs without breaking a sweat. He wouldn't have had to bring Slash in to do a tired dead song. Usher wouldn't have had to come down by a rope. Gary wouldn't have had to wear a costume to look like George Jetson.
Gary Moore is the greatest guitarish most people have never heard of. But the heavyweights of guitar all knew him and lined up to play with him. In England and all of Europe, the bands that headline here were the warm up bands for Gary Moore. It is almost criminal that this guy never had more of a name.
He spent about a total of 6 months with Thin Lizzy and his fellow Irishman Phil Lynott. He held a concert for Lynott in Dublin when they unveiled Lynott's statue. Twenty one thousand were there. Whenever I lend the video, people are in awe...he is that awesome. People you think are great guitarists crumble in Moore's presence. Check out Stormy Monday...the guitar solo's keep on coming and it is just so strong. Check out the Texas Blues on his Still Got the Blues CD. ZZ Top wishes they could sound this good. BB King, Clapton...name a decent guitarist and they all wanted to play with Gary Moore. And they all made it a point to play and record with him.
Which leads me to the Super Bowl halftime show. I am sure Slash sold out for a good amount of money to play a song that was old and tired 10 years ago...Sweet Child of Mine. Really sorry. And how much money did the guy who designed the Jetson outfits for the Black Eyed Peas extort from the NFL? These would be some better lyrics considering the attire the group wore:
Hubba hubba,Pa Docket Pa Docket,
Gotta get to work at Spacely Sprockets
Now with those lyrics at least you would know they were trying to at least be funny.
Here is what they could do next year in keeping with the halftime tradition:
And now Ladies and gentlemen Its Michael Buble!
Sweet home Alabama, Scooby Dooby Doo
Where the Skys Are Blue, Yahten dotten wop wop
But, since we are in the techno revolution, let's bring back a virtual digital Sammy Davis Junior! I could hear him singing now.
I'm as free as a bird now, daddyo,
And this bird you cannot tame, yabby gobby wop wah do
I said I'm a Free free bird sister and brother and Frankie and Dino baby
Or better yet, since we are talking tired overplayed songs, then Sammy and a virtual Frank Sinatra duet:
Is that a woman or a man
Yeah Daddyo Turn the Page
I said that long long hair and that tired cliche
My long hairs a statement and you better
Turn the Page Baby, I said turn that page,
Or Frankie, he's gonna get the Boys from Jersey after you
If you don't turn the Page ya ya scooby wah bop wah!!!
You get the picture. Any of the above would beat what we see at the normal halftime. Unfortunately, the boys on Wall Street make the trends and we have to follow. Or maybe not.