People will say almost anything in the heat of competition. Most of the times these words are not meant but are said in the heat of the moment. In the emotion of the event, especially when there is a crowd present and the stakes are fairly high, these words can kill. They can kill friendships, relationships and in the worst case scenario people.
I was playing in a big high school game in what was another lifetime. This was a time when every kid seemed to go to the games and I went to a very big high school of around five thousand kids. And, to show you how crazy it was, sometimes the students would attend the games with their parents. How uncool in these days in times, right children. Yet then it was common.
I was going to ask a very nice girl out. This in itself was going to be quite a chore in and of itself, because my dad made sure I understood basketball and books and that was it....girls would destroy both, or so I was brainwashed.
When this lovely creature came into the gym, the game was in progress. Yours truly was in mid air drifting out of bounds by the baseline. As this was happening I screamed a profanity laced tirade about 2 feet from her. She and her parents heard every word, and these words were much less accepted during that era. I got up and ran down court, but the damage was done. Words from my emotional mouth destroyed any chance for a date with this young lady. (Note, it was probably just as well. I was totally lacking in what girls want at that age...money and a nice ride. My parents car was called the "gas mobile" because it smelled like fumes. It was a white Chevy station wagon with no air and a stick shift...yes no air in Phoenix, Arizona. Also, I would have had a price to pay with my dad. If I had a bad game within a month of a date he would have reminded me in no uncertain terms. On top of that I still had some pimples the Clearasil wouldn't hide. And then what would I talk about? Pro Wrestling or back episodes of Dragnet?? So it was good it did not go down.)
Now let's fast forward to modern times. Kobe Bryant recently called a referee a name that questioned his sexuality and some would say his manhood. Some even say that using this word that starts with an F is the latest form of racism. Now, lets say for openers this is happening in a competition that is really serious. There is a crowd that very few can even imagine playing in front of and the stakes are huge. Let's also admit that Kobe is definitely the alpha dog and with the game on the line, he might really get carried away and have that hair trigger moment at anytime. So Kobe uses a word that suggests the ref is gay.
Later, he gets fined for 100k. I would be willing to wager Kobe did not mean that word, but in the heat of competition, things really tend to slip out. Remember, this game was played in a huge arena. A big fine was paid and the league and Kobe apologized profusely. This time the word did not kill much except probably some momentum in a game now long over. Personally, I believe he did not mean what he said.
However, many times, in many cities, this very word has sparked many a fight and has no doubt resulted in a number of deaths. When it was said during those circumstances, was it said out of fear and was it really meant? I have no idea. This brings back the saying, "I am the master of my words until they leave my mouth". Words. They can kill relationships and much more, even if you don't mean them and just say them in the emotion of the moment.
Bill Simmons talks how he would settle the strike in the NBA and how it differs from the NFL strike. Very funny and good as usual. http://www.grantland.com/story/_/id/6749669/if-ruled-nba-world
Are women better team mates? Check this article out: http://www.latimes.com/sports/la-sp-plaschke-20110717,0,6408488.column
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